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广州市盈泓货运代理有限公司,一家致力于为广大客户提供全方位专业物流服务的企业。我司主营广州港、深圳港:进出口报关、商检、陆运拖车、中转仓储、国内贸易海运运输等码头服务。我司总部毗邻广州黄埔港,服务网点覆盖黄埔港、南沙港、深圳港等物流操作好的现场,为国内外货代物流公司、生产厂家、贸易公司等提供最快捷的进出口物流辅助支持。我司以广州为基点,以代理货物进出口报关报检、陆运拖车,中转仓储等服务,配以海陆空运输辐射全国,致力打造完善、快捷的物流供应链网络。我们的业务操作团队拥有多年丰富的进出口物流实际操作经验,根据企业的实际情况提供最适当的进出口物流方案及专业的进出口操作。我司针对每一位客户,采取专人全方位跟踪式服务,从商务洽谈,到落实方案,再到后期的回访服务,*大限度地满足客户的需求。我司愿成为阁下坚实可靠的物流伙伴,建立起长期战略合作。您的信赖与托付,便是我们永恒的追求!对于您的每一次委托,我们都心存感激,并将全力以赴,让您的货物价值在流通中得以增值。我司愿与国内外各界同仁志士竭诚合作,共创美好双赢未来!GUANGZHOU YINGHONG LOGISTICS CO.,LTD is a professional customs clearance company. Our company agent customs declaration, inspection declaration, container trailer, storage, shipping service and so on.Our service network covering, the HUANGPU PORT, NANSHA PORT,SHENZHEN PORT and so on. We provide the most efficient import and export logistics auxiliary support for logistics company forwarder, manufacturers, trade company. We based on the GUANGZHOU, with the import and export agency, warehousing, customs declaration service as the foundation, match with the land, sea and air transportation the radiation in various provinces, cities, and global all countries, regions, is committed to building the most perfect, the most efficient logistics supply chain network. Our business operation team with many years of rich import and export logistics practical operation experience, can according to the actual situation of enterprise to provide the most appropriate import and export logistics solutions and professional import and export operation. We hope to become a permanent reliable logistics partners customers and establish long-term strategic cooperation. For your every entrust, we all be grateful, and try our best. We warmly welcome customers at home and abroad to negotiate business, create beautiful future!




信息名称: 广州市盈泓货运代理有限公司业务四部
信息栏目: 企业简介 联系方式
单位电话: 020-29015602
单位地址: 中国广东广州市黄埔区骏雅北街3号金碧领秀国际商务中心811
经营范围: 黄埔报关行,黄埔拖车行,南沙报关行,南沙拖车行,深圳报关行,深圳拖车行,仓储,食品适载,产地证,
网页版本: 手机版 电脑版